How to Raise Awareness of Your Brand

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If there's one thing I have learned in 13 years of entrepreneurship and starting four different companies to varying degrees of success, it's the importance of constantly working to increase brand awareness. In other words, how do you help more people to know that you exist, and why you're the expert they've been looking for with the solution they need to get the results they want?



But this isn't just for business owners and people with marketing careers. Nowadays, it's an essential principle for all professionals, even if you just think of yourself as “a regular employee.” (Of course, you and I both know that if you're reading this, it's because you see yourself as so much more than that, and aspire to great things!)



And boy, do I have three inspiring opportunities for you today. (Read on…)



The opportunity to be a speaker – whether on conference stages, podcast interviews, at a local/online industry networking event or even for a company-internal Employee Resource Group of sorts – is a great win-win-win opportunity:



  • You “win” by gaining exposure and establishing yourself as an industry expert and thought leader (which enhances your brand)
  • Listeners “win” by learning from the insights, perspectives, and stories and expertise you have generously shared; an
  • Organizers/Hosts “win” by providing a great experience for their members (which reinforces their brand!)


Remember – this is just as valuable when building your brand as an employee of a company or non-profit organization: after all, your brand is what makes leaders decide what career opportunities to send your way.



And here's some more food for thought — what if you not only were invited to share your expertise as a speaker, but could also get PAID to do it?



(Trust me – as someone who does a LOT of public speaking, I love to speak to just about any group, but it's even better when it helps pay the bills!)



So here's opportunity #1:


Whether you're an aspiring speaker or seasoned speaker who wants to get booked and paid what you’re worth to speak, my friend and Global Keynote Speaker, Robb Holman, founded a world-class speaker community where he shares essential tips and tools from over 20 years of GETTING PAID to SPEAK.



If you are interested in experiencing his amazing community, he is offering a COMPLIMENTARY session via Zoom on August 27 from 2-4pm EDT and is called: ‘How Landing Top Podcast and Major Publication Interviews Can Help You Get Paid to Speak.'





If you want to take advantage of this complimentary session, message Robb Holman on any social media platform with these words: “Paid Speaking”.



For more info, check out this 1-minute video at



But what if you want to get more speaking opportunities (paid or unpaid,) but don't feel confident that you have a clear message, dynamic speaking style, or other skills to be truly awesome at it?



This brings us to Opportunity #2:



Ask yourself: What would it take to become your very own “business celebrity” and actually have FUN being on stage or on camera?



(After all, celebrities are really just regular people who have discovered their own their voice, style and message, and the passion to share them with the world!)



My friend, producer and host, Julia Myles, has brought together 30+ experts & top influencers who are sharing their TOP TIPS with you, what it takes to become a true Business Celebrity and take your business to the next level.



The FREE Be Your Own Business Celebrity! series starts Monday, August 30th through September 12th.



I'm excited to speak with her on the exciting topic of “Mastering Your Celebrity Voice.” (Secret: Whether or not you plan to do lots of public speaking, discovering your “celebrity voice” will inevitably enhance your brand!)





Click here for your FREE pass to attend.



That “win-win-win” opportunity is one of the things I love most about hosting the “Speaking to Influence” podcast.



It's kind of like playing matchmaker without the “messiness” of dating: I get to introduce leaders who want to generously share their experiences with others to listeners who genuinely want to learn from and benefit from those stories, and enjoy the learning in the process!



It's also an opportunity for me to give those leaders a chance to get their own “celebrity voices” heard and shed light on some incredible causes that everyone should know about, and help them increase their own brand/organizational awareness.



If you hadn't guessed it, that's Opportunity #3:



This week on the podcast, I have the privilege of welcoming, Christine Jacobs, executive director of the Adoption Center.



For her, communication and leadership is all about building trust between all parties. Christine and I talked a lot about her continuous efforts in myth-busting, and how to set the record straight (something we all need to do from time to time!)



My absolute favorite myth that she busted over and over is that there are no unwanted children, just unfound families. (How beautiful is that?!)





Some other issues she perpetually needs to clarify range from :



  • their own “brand” and what kind of organization The Adoption Center is in the first place (it's NOT an adoption agency; they provide resources to help families who want to adopt a child to find the right child to welcome into their homes),
  • eligibility requirements (e.g., did you know that you can be single, in a same-sex committed relationship, and/or renting your home and still be eligible?), and
  • how ANYONE can lend a hand to support kids in foster care (e.g. donations, mentoring older children, volunteering, making back-to-school backpacks and more… NOT just adopting!) Go to for more options.



I don't know about you, but I was insanely lucky to have been born into a loving home with parents who were able to care for me. And I've talked enough about my family from time to time that you know I also feel insanely lucky to have great kids from a variety of sources — a biological son, a stepson, and a “bonus daughter” fill my house with love (and noise.) But not every child (or aspiring parent) is so lucky.



Check out the full interview to learn not only some great leadership communication lessons, but to gain some inspiration and new ideas about how you can make a child's journey a little bit easier on the road to finding their “forever family.”



Tune in here to listen here, or watch it on YouTube here .



But one way or another, commit to raising YOUR brand awareness today!


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