That’s Entertainment!

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Summer is officially here, which means vacations, picnics, beach trips, barbecues, and outdoor concerts and events — all of which are a welcome taste of normalcy and fun!



Nobody knows that better than Catherine Cahill, President and CEO at the Mann Center for the Performing Arts in the middle of Philadelphia.



The Mann Center – as it's more commonly known – is one of the country's premier performing arts centers, and I've personally loved attending everything from concerts by the Gypsy Kings flamenco guitar group and the National Choral Arts Society, to Fourth of July festivities with the national symphony playing Sousa marches while watching fireworks overhead, and even, yes, “Bugs Bunny on Broadway,” with the Philly Pops orchestra playing the soundtrack of favorite Loony Tunes cartoon clips on a giant movie screen above the stage.



Beyond reminiscing about past events and looking forward to the new season lineup, Catherine and I discussed the unique challenges the entertainment industry faces, both before and during the pandemic.



Think diplomacy is a challenge in your world? Tune in to listen to Catherine's story about performing in Tianenmen Square in China, and what to do when the orchestra conductor refuses to begin the concert for the thousands of people in the audience because their chickens – yes, CHICKENS – were too noisy!



We talked about how she handled this difficult situation and others, with great insights into how you can navigate sensitive internal and cultural issues successfully (regardless of whether or not barnyard animals are present!)



You can listen to the podcast here or watch it in YouTube here.


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