How to Survive Three Quantum Shifts in 18 Months

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Change can be scary, especially when your company changes ownership. Now imagine that happening THREE times in under TWO years! Shifts in culture, branding, leadership, coworkers… you name it. What does it take to not only survive under such circumstances, but thrive?



This week on the Speaking to Influence podcast, Sam King, President & CEO of Veracode, shares the realities of that experience in digital technicolor. As she described the trajectory:


“Over the course of about 18 months to 24 months… we went from being a venture backed independent software company to becoming part of a large publicly traded software company, which then in turn, got bought by another, much larger, publicly traded software company, which then created an opportunity for us to get divested and become an independent software company, again, backed by a different software investor. So in the course of 18 months, we had three owners. The key to going through that successfully was just constant communication.”


If you want to know more about what that constant communication looked like, listen in.


As always, don't forget to rate and review the show if you haven't already done so — and if you have, thanks so much!



As a second invitation, tomorrow I will be hosting my only FREE webinar of the month, How to Feel Confident and Get Results on Video. If you want some evidence for the value of this program, here's what Mike Stanziola shared after I gave a similar program for HDI Philly (thanks Mike!):



“I always struggle giving my undivided attention to virtual presentations, but not during this presentation! Laura is extremely engaging, dynamic and gave phenomenal practical tips on how to be the best communicator during video conferences. By the time Q&A of the presentation was upon us, I hadn't replied to work email, texts, or any other distractions that typically side track me on webinars. Just took some great notes to apply to my future experiences. We have received tons of great positive feedback on your presentation, and I wanted to take the time to thank you for speaking to our organization.”



It's not too late to sign up, so you can reserve your spot to join us.



Here's to your success,


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