How to Avoid “Zoom Fatigue”

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Are You Suffering from Zoom Fatigue?

Now that you're on video conference calls all day, are you suffering from “Zoom fatigue”? If so, check your volume. Not your speakers… I mean your speech!

Like most people, you may subconsciously feel compelled to talk louder than usual when on video conference, especially if you are having trouble hearing the other person. Then you wonder why you're physically drained by the end of the day!

The solution?

Let the tech do the work:

  1. Ask (in your normal/softer volume), “Can you hear me okay?” Then adjust as necessary.
  2. Make sure your microphone is close enough to your mouth. If you're using the internal mic in your computer, make sure you're not sitting too far away.
  3. Check your input (mic) volume settings for your computer AND for the app/platform (Zoom, WebEx, etc.). Make sure the right mic is selected, and make sure the volume is turned up high enough.
  4. Don't forget to check CLARITY. They might hear you, but if it's coming through muffled or otherwise distorted, they might be struggling to UNDERSTAND you. This could be due to poor mic quality as well as the above issues, any of which could accidentally be making you talk louder to compensate (unsuccessfully).

Try these simple tips to enable you to start your first AND LAST video calls of the day with an energized smile!

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