A Special Thanks for Veterans Day

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This week is a special week as I have two exciting things to share.

First, in honor of Veterans' Day tomorrow, my podcast guest today is Bryan Buckley, a former Marine Raider — special ops leader — turned CEO of Helmand Valley Growers Company.



In this episode, Bryan not only shares experiences from his military service where he was awarded the Bronze Star, but also what his life as a Marine taught him about influence, and how it has helped him communicate with different groups of people now in the medical marijuana industry, specifically to help veterans manage the symptoms of PTSD.



Second, this weekend I get to participate in an event for a cause that is close to my heart, the Alzheimer's Association. This past July, my dad (who was also an Army veteran) passed away after a 5-year battle with Alzheimers, and I miss him every day.



That's why I'm honored to have been asked to judge a decorating contest for both employees and residents of White Horse Village in Newtown Square, PA as they work to raise $20,000 to end Alzheimer's Disease. They have a slew of events planned which you can learn more about.



If you have a loved one struggling with this horrendous disease, here are some additional resources you may find helpful.



And once again, to all our active and former military service members, a most heartfelt THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice, and the support and sacrifice of your families. It is because you do what you do, that the rest of us have the freedom to safely do what we do!



Here's to your success!

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