Yesterday was Labor Day, a day to reflect with gratitude on the work we have, and all those who labor to make the world go round. Especially in this pandemic-inspired era, I know I'm even more aware of those essential workers who take care of us physically, drive the delivery trucks, stock the grocery store shelves and more. To all of you, a heart-felt “Thank you!”
Yesterday was also Read a Book day. Personally the book I just finished reading – and highly recommend – is The Road Less Stupid:Advice from the Chairman of the Board by Keith J. Cunningham.
The simple premise is that the key to being successful in business (and arguably, in life) and staying successul is not necessarily to make more brilliant decisions, but rather to avoid doing “stupid things.” When you do stupid things in business, Cunningham argues, you pay “The Dumb Tax.”
More importantly, each chapter closes with a list of real, meaty questions to ponder during designated “thinking time” periods, in order to identify where we're allowing ourselves to pay more “Dumb Tax” – regardless of how “smart” you feel any other kind of tax is.
I'm discovering exactly how much Dumb Tax I've allowed myself to pay over the years, where I've lost money by making bad decisions – or even by failing to make any decision at all. Sometimes I hired the wrong vendor or took a calculated risk that didn't pan out, but it's also frequently in areas where I've held myself back due to fear of trying something new.
That being said, I prefer to think of it as a “Success Tax,” holding me back from achieving my biggest goals and ambitions.
One area in which many people unknowingly pay that daily Success Tax and hold themselves back is by NOT using video on a day-to-day basis.
Did you know that people are 4x more likely to watch your video than read what your wrote?
Or that people can remember 95% of what they learn from a video, compared to retaining only 10% of what they read?
Nevertheless, many people still don't want to turn cameras on during video conferences, use FaceTime with friends, or create short videos of themselves for their websites or emails. There's always an excu– I mean, a “reason,” but inevitably, it all stems from limiting beliefs that stop them from taking that first step, and there's a serious “tax” at stake.
The three most common limiting beliefs that prevent people from using video are:
- I don't like how I look on camera.
- I don't have good equipment.
- I don't know how to be myself/natural on video.
That's why in this week’s Speaking to Influence episode, I address these three limiting beliefs head-on to help you take out the head trash that’s been keeping you from making great videos that create real, authentic connection with your audience.
Listen to the episode here or watch on Youtube here.
You don’t need to have the best equipment to look great on video, but you do need to have the right mindset. Listen for direct instruction for how you can take a simple selfie video that shows you at your most confident, natural and authentic best.
When in doubt, you can also check out Virtual Influence today. It’s my fully online self-paced course that will help you look and feel more confident on camera, and inspire people to take action when they watch even your simplest videos.
Remember: Nowadays, the way you show up (or DON'T show up) on video becomes your brand reputation as an individual contributor, and reflects on the organization you represent. I know you didn't achieve your current level of success by being timid or mediocre. So your on-camera presence should reflect the same degree of excellence you're known for in every other aspect of life.
You can get a list of the equipment I use myself and recommendations on which equipment to use over at
You can also download it for free here.
One way or another, don't create any new “taxes” for yourself. Let's expose and debunk the limiting beliefs, and instead keep and compound all the success you have earned!