What Do You Value The Most? (Are you sure?)

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When I was a kid, I remember my grandmother saying, “Laura, the older you get, the faster time goes.”


I didn’t understand how that was technically possible at the time, but now – several decades later – I know exactly what she meant, and frankly, it’s a little scary.


In some ways it’s good: Back in high school, it felt like every period in calculus and physics lasted a year, and each week seemed like an eternity, especially sitting in classes on Monday. But now the weeks fly by, which is at least 98% due to the fact that whereas I dreaded those classes, now I love what I get to do for work every day.


But in other ways, it gives me pause.


For example, have you ever had that feeling when the week is finally over, and in a quiet moment over the weekend you sit there and wonder what you actually accomplished in all that rushing and busy-ness, and more importantly, what it’s all for? In all that time that’s now rushing by, what value do we have to show for it?


Viktor Frankl called that feeling “Sunday Neurosis.” It's like a mini existential crisis waving goodbye to the workweek, and looking at more of the same in the upcoming week.


But what if the secret to avoiding that “Sunday Neurosis” is hidden in one simple question to ask yourself:

“What do I value the most?”


And here’s a deeper challenge: after you come up with you answer(s), follow it up with:


“Am I sure? That’s what I tell myself I value…
but are my choices and actions consistent with that belief?”


Imagine the true transformational power of your choices – whether it's just deciding what to eat for dinner, or a major business decision – if they were consistently based on your real core values.


That’s the epiphany described by Jacob Baadsgaard, president of Disruptive Advertising, on this week’s episode of the Speaking to Influence podcast



As a child, Jacob was painfully aware of his family’s financial struggles, and committed himself to achieving professional and financial success above all else.


Although he succeeded in achieving the material wealth he sought, he also discovered that having more “stuff” wasn't a one-way ticket to happiness.


His business victories were like a superhero’s cape, shielding him from dealing with personal issues, and blaming others for his problems. But underneath that cape? A fear of not measuring up and a phobia of the f-word: failure.


The transformation began at work, realizing that they had taken on too many clients who did not align with their core values. Jacob pulled a “Jerry Maguire,” letting go of those clients and consciously limiting their clients to organizations and industries that were in sync with his company’s values.


Then came the internal transformation, as he discovered that he’d been using his business success as a diversion to avoid taking responsibility for his own personal relationships.


Jacob's adventure is like a treasure map to value-based decision-making and authenticity. His journey illustrates that values, peace and purpose aren't just buzzwords; they're real-life treasures you actually can – and must – uncover for true fulfillment.


Listen to the full podcast here or watch the video on YouTube here.

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