I’m taking a leap of faith…

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If you're like me, one of the hardest decisions you have to make is the decision to invest in yourself.



Whether it's something as small as taking time out of the day to meditate or exercise for better mental and physical health, or as big as going back to school for your MBA or another certification, it's hard to justify the time and funds – and even energy – that will be required to do it successfully.



Personally, I'm fully confident in my skills as a leadership communication coach, trainer and speaker. But as a business owner of 12 years who considers herself an “accidental entrepreneur,” the world of running and scaling a business is still far less intuitive.



That's why, as you read this, I'm sitting in the middle of a 5-day intensive (14 hours per day!) Business Mastery course led by none other than Tony Robbins. (I confess, I drafted this letter early knowing I'd be off the grid today.)



It was a scary trigger to pull. Lots of questions went through my head:


  • It's expensive – will I get my money's worth?
  • What if it's HARD? I know there's going to be modules on accounting and finance and stuff that my brain does NOT enjoy.
  • 5 full days and evenings is a huge chunk of time; can I afford to be away for that long? (OMG, what is my INBOX going to look like when I'm done?!)
  • And what about the GOALS I know they're going to make me set — they have to be big, but then can I live up to them?

You know, fear of failure and fear of success are really two sides of the same coin.



But I also know – as I've told you earlier in the year – that my vision for Vocal Impact Productions is “To create more peace and joy in the world by helping more people feel heard and understood.” But to strive for that vision of helping ever MORE people, that means scale. And to do that, I know I need expert help.



That's why I'm taking this leap of faith. (Stay tuned next week and I'll let you know how it went!)



I know you have your own mental gremlins that love to whisper (shout?) all of those “what if” questions of doubt or guilt trips about being “selfish” at the idea of investing in your own personal or professional development. And there's only one way to silence those voices:



You have to get clear on your WHY.



Mine was the conviction deep in my gut that I want to achieve my vision and help more people like you to reach their fullest potential and maximize their influence — and feelings of fulfillment — by helping you be more effective communicators and inspiring leaders. That matched with what the Business Mastery course promised to help me do, so the “YES” was crystal-clear.



When you're thinking about ways to invest in yourself — whether your health, your career, your family, etc. — ask yourself WHY you REALLY want it, then, determine what investments will help you realize that vision.



Someone else who is exploring a possible leap of faith is my guest this week on the Speaking to Influence podcast, Mark Nikolich, CEO of Braskem America. What's the leap? The prospect of the company being sold!”

Listen in HERE to learn about other ways in which the pandemic forced him to move outside of his comfort zone, and other major decisions he's had to make for himself, his company and his people.



Of course, one decision that was a “no-brainer” for me and a TON of fun was that last week the tables were turned, and I was the guest of Skipper Chong Warson's podcast “How This Works”. Skipper and I took a deep dive into understanding how to get people to say YES more often — and who doesn't want that? He was such a fun and easy conversationalist, the time just flew by.



If you believe that finding your voice, and being as confident, charismatic and authoritative on screen as you are in person is a crucial step in achieving your goals, I have a gift for you that will make the decision to invest in yourself a “no-brainer”:



It's FREE ACCESS to my Virtual Influence online basic course. Please visit virtualinfluencecourse.com and enter coupon code podfest. You'll get a jump-start on everything you need to be a master of influence in the virtual world, and you'll be able to apply what you learn right away.



“One way or another, it's time to invest in yourself. You deserve it!”



Here's to your success,


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