How to Finish Strong in 2022

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At the end of every year, we all have an important decision to make.


We can look back on the last 365 days and count our blessings, our successes large and small, and reminisce about the fun times with friends and loved ones.


– Or –


We can let our inner critic fixate on all the to-do list items that never got done, things that didn’t go our way, and all the disappointments and frustrations that come with life.


It’s a simple binary choice, yet as we all know, simple things aren’t necessarily easy.


Regardless of whether your internal compass tends to gravitate towards optimism or pessimism, I’m excited to share a great opportunity to create some fast, fun, and empowering wins to wrap up 2022 and launch into 2023 on a pre-set success trajectory.


This week on the Speaking to Influence podcast is our annual “Best of the 24-Hour Influence Challenges” episode.


We’ve identified three themes among the 52 episodes of 2022, and compiled some of the challenges guests have levied for each, serving them up buffet style for you!


The three themes this year are:


  • Increasing your conscious awareness/mindfulness as a leader
  • Ways to lead more effectively by understanding others more deeply
  • Simple steps for professional/personal development


Remember – each challenge is something that you can COMPLETE within 24 hours (and many only require a few minutes).


So you could simply pick one of the challenges and knock it out for a quick win to reset the trajectory. Alternatively, you could easily pick one or two a day to build up a new success habit as a springboard into the new year.


The beauty is that the choice is yours, and all the options ensure a WIN!


Listen to the full episode here or watch it on YouTube here.



We’ve hit some great milestones in 2022, such as

  • hitting the top 100 and even the top 50 (which is nearly impossible for our category) on Apple Podcasts/iTunes
  • hurdling the 100th episode mark (this is episode #136!)
  • having thousands of guests register for our LinkedIn Live events
  • Being a guest on other shows ranging from the Geeks, Geezers & Googlization podcast, to PHL-17 television here in Philadelphia, and most recently the Kristen Hagopian show, which is currently being broadcast over 200 radio stations across the country.



We’re also looking forward to some exciting changes in 2023 as Vocal Impact Productions prepares to celebrate its 10th anniversary this spring! Stay tuned for more updates in the new year.


But one way or another, I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all of YOU, for reading my thoughts here each week, listening to the podcast, attending our live events, sharing your feedback, making introductions, and helping me be the very best I can be!


Thanks for making 2022 such an amazing year. I hope you had a wonderful Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and any other holiday you choose to celebrate, and wish you all a very happy, healthy, and blessed new year!

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