Giving Tuesday: How to Choose the Right Gift

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One of the “first-world stressors” in my life is the calls from my mom or my in-laws with the question: “What do you want for Christmas? What can I get for the kids? I never know what to get you!”


We’re fortunate enough that we don’t really need much, and frankly, I’d rather skip the boxed-gift exchanges—even for the kids—because it usually ends up being more shopping, more wrapping, and more stuff that we probably won’t use anyway.


That’s why one of my favorite family traditions is “alternative gift giving.” On my mom’s side, we would make charitable contributions in each other’s names to causes we thought the recipient would appreciate, from local soup kitchens to Habitat for Humanity and beyond. It made us feel good knowing we were helping others while taking the pressure off the “perfect gift hunt.” And, selfishly, it was one less thing to clean (or exchange)!


For example – who do you know who would love the idea of giving a special gift to a child in need? Take what you would have spent on their gift, and put it toward supporting the last week of the Adoption Center’s Winter Wishes Amazon Wishlist in their name, making a child in foster care feel like they matter and are loved


Then send your loved one a note letting them know what difference their generosity has made in the life of a child. It’s a small gesture that makes a big difference and feels amazing to everyone.


But that’s just one example of how to give the perfect gift. Here are a few more:


Helping Someone Shine


Sometimes, the best gift is helping people stand out in a crowd.


For those who are in career transition or looking for a fresh challenge, my Quantum Leap executive transition program is designed to help leaders


  • gain clarity in their personal brand and what they truly want,
  • find hidden job opportunities that match their goals and talents, and
  • rise WAY above the competition whether in networking, interviewing, or negotiation, and everywhere in between,
  • And be ready to land the role of their dreams ASAP.


And today ONLYfor Giving Tuesday I’m giving a special 30% discount for anyone who books a December info call.


If you know someone who could use support navigating their next steps—especially in a competitive market — pass along the link to this program today.


Give the gift of helping someone start the new year with momentum.


Strengthening Skills for the New Year


When in doubt, forget the box – give someone the gift of confidence, presence and influence, with their own personal subscription to my upcoming Speaking to Influence online course.


It launches January 2, and today is the last day to get it at a never-to-be-seen-again rate of just $97, down from the regular $997 (that’s a 90% discount!)



If you or someone you know could benefit from fine-tuning their communication skills, now is the time to join in. (After today, it returns to the regular price of $997, so don’t miss this last chance.)


Complimentary Resources to Share


If you're not looking for a major gift, but want to let someone know you were thinking of them (sometimes that's the best gift of all), share these free downloadable tools to help leaders at any stage:


  1. Top 10 Skills VPs and SVPs Need to Advance to Executive Leadership: What sets high-potential leaders apart from the crowd and helps them break through to the next level? 
  2. The C-Suite Blueprint: Top 10 Skill Areas for C-Level Executives on the Job Market:  Discover what recruiters and boards expect from C-level candidates, and gain insights to position yourself as the leader they need and want.


AND lastly –


In just one week, as promised, I’ll be co-hosting my new podcast, Alpha Whisperers: GENESIS, with visionary Janet C. Salazar, Chairman for the Foundation for the Support of the United Nations and creator of the Alpha Whisperers brand.



ALPHA WHISPERERS™ reframes how power and influence operate in society, aiming to increase transparency and accountability not just for top leaders (a.k.a. “Alphas”) in business and government, but for those who advise them— the “Whisperers,” who we call “the quiet power behind the power.”


What’s an easy gift to share? A link! Stay tuned for the launch next week.


Whatever you choose to give this season, whether it’s time, resources, or encouragement, remember that the most meaningful gifts aren’t things—they’re the opportunities we create and the connections we nurture.


Let’s make this Giving Season — and this Giving Tuesday — one of impact, not just presents.



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