24 Hour Challenge: Be a Child’s Guardian Angel

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I’m inviting you to join me in changing a child’s life in the next 60 seconds.

Many of you know that I serve on the board of The Adoption Center, which provides one of the most important services imaginable:

They help children in the foster care system find their forever families.



But a separate group of friends and colleagues has created a seemingly CRAZY challenge to help support The Adoption Center:

We’re going to raise $24,000 in 24 hours, and we need your help to do it!



I know you're busy, but please don't put this message in the “deal with it later” folder. Instead, I'm asking you to your good deed for the day right now, and go to give.adopt.org/guardianangels to make your donation, from the heart.



As we all know, the more love you give, the more you receive, and these kids deserve all the love they can get. Make YOUR heart happy, knowing that you’re making the greatest possible difference in the life of a child.



Be someone’s guardian angel today!



With gratitude and appreciation from my heart to yours,


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